How I Can Help You:
What is a coach and why you should consider coaching
Throughout our life we seek the keys to becoming all that we can be, in ALL areas of our life. Whether you want better quality relationships or health, more success at work or in your business, we struggle year on year by ourselves looking for this ideal yet continually fail, living the same year year on year
You can absolutely experience growth and improvement in all areas of your life - health, wealth, relationships, happiness or love this is where coaching comes in.
The profession of Coaching is built on a central belief that the quality of our lives is not built upon the events in our lives but rather on the meaning we give to those events. I firmly believe that once you know yourself and your goals clearly, you have no alternative but to start moving towards them. It’s like a force of nature and is all powered by one simple thing, the choices that you make. Once you know what drives those choices and can make them with more awareness and volition, you will start seeing quantum leaps in what you can achieve. It’s all possible because of the power, strength, knowledge and wisdom you have within you – once you have the keys to these drivers, life will never be the same.
This is about taking the time for yourself to ask the questions and find the answers you never knew existed but secretly longed for. Each of us lives life at the level we have been taught to experience. For some of us, this means that life is a daily experience of inspiration, joy and excitement. For others, it means a life of pain and bitter disappointment. Wherever you are right now, you can choose to experience another level by making different choices. A coach will show you how coaching is about giving you the insights, asking you the questions and allowing you to come up with your answers to take you from where you are now to where you want to be.
I’m genuinely excited to be a part of this profession and ask of you only one thing. Please, commit to yourself that you will give it 100%. Commit today to take this journey together with total passion and intensity. This is your chance to shine and give it everything you’ve got. Let’s enjoy it; be outrageous, energetic and committed. The results you can achieve if you play at this level will far surpass anything you can possibly imagine right now.

I would highly recommend Richard Chan's life coaching services. He is a professional and absolutely knows what he's doing. My experience with Richard is ongoing and I am already seeing great positive results in my life, much thanks to him. If you are someone who is stuck in a rut of having a hard time making your dreams manifest into reality, you shan't look anywhere else than Richard Chan. You will not regret it."

I would love to appreciate Richard Chan for coaching me. The session was so effective that I felt changes within my body immediately as he mbit'd me. He was so patient with me which allowed me to dig deep within for answers regarding my situation. Since the session, I have been able to concentrate and achieve so much. It was an extraordinary experience and I highly recommend Richard for a coach."